First Iteration
This first iteration of prototypes would serve the purpose of demonstrating the four concepts very roughly. They were made from wood and other basic materials as to allow for rapid prototyping while also being able to demonstrating their function. All prototypes were also tested with the co-designer to see if they were suitable and if there were any changes that needed to be made. Important measurements were also taken to make the prototypes more suitable.
Second Iteration
The second iteration of prototypes was meant to test the fit for the new and improved concept tuned to the co-designer. It was modelled with a few parameters that could easily be changed so that some different versions could be 3D-printed. These were then prepared to be printed on the computer and were sent off to the printers. In the end 7 slightly different prints were made to test which would fit the best.
The most significant changes between these printed models was the distance between thumb-hole and the pointy-finger (distance_x), the angle at which the pointy finger and thumb would sit (theta) and the size of the thumbhole (thumb_diameter).
The 3D-prints were sent to the co-designer for them to give feedback and input on which ones fit best, based on this adjustments could be made to the final product to fit the co-designer in the best way possible.
Concept Movie
(Not available yet)